Proven Track Record
Since 2005, VOCES has placed highly qualified and competent bilingual speech pathologists in Arizona school districts. We bring a unique approach and proven track record to bilingual speech therapy in school districts:
We help our clients meet IDEA and IEP requirements, in this often hard-to-staff area.
IDEA mandates that services be provided in a child’s language whenever possible. We help Arizona school districts meet this mandate. Our speech pathologists and technicians not only provide services in the child’s language, but they are also specially trained in conducting bilingual evaluations and intervention.
We provide personal attention and customized services for our clients.
We are a small company that values and supports our clients and our employees. Unlike other contracting companies that provide speech pathology services only in English, VOCES Bilingual Speech Pathology, LLC, specializes in providing Spanish speech-language services to school districts and charter schools, while focusing on supporting and developing our employees.
Our rates are competitive with the largest national and state providers of speech pathology.
Even with competitive rates, our services are also more often tailored for Arizona communities; our therapists are often residents of the areas they serve.
We save school districts time and money.
Our speech pathologists and technicians provide services in the child’s native language (as mandated by IDEA 2004), which is the most effective method of addressing speech and language delays. VOCES therapists communicate with parents in Spanish, which increases parent satisfaction with school district services.
We provide licensed, experienced bilingual speech pathologists ready to start working for your school district.
We focus exclusively on providing Spanish speech-language services to school districts, and we provide professional development and growth opportunities for our employees.
Parent satisfaction is higher.
Because parents can understand more about their child’s challenges and therapies, they can therefore they can be more involved and feel a greater level of satisfaction with their child’s therapy.
VOCES provides high-quality therapists who fit right in with our district, quickly learn our procedures and our culture, and contribute positively to our special education department. They are nice, positive, and creative problem-solvers. Once they are here, we forget the VOCES therapists are from a vendor and just see them as our own!